SAM- African Microfinance Week October 2017

The biggest microfinance event in the continent aims to bring together microfinance practitioners, policy makers, private and public financial service providers, to share best practices, strengthen partnerships, and extend network of contacts to promote financial inclusion in the continent.

The African Microfinance Week, named SAM– for its French acronym is to be held for the third time in the coming October at the Sheraton hotel in Addis Ababa. The event stays for the entire week starting October 9, 2017 with a variety of events including investor’s fair, innovation fair and trainings on the side. The SAM is organized by the African networks AFRACA, AMT, MAIN, AEMFI, AMFI and ADA, with the support of the Luxembourg cooperation. Register now.


AEMFI in collaboration with ADA microfinance (Luxembourg) has organized a three day workshop on  ‘Financial and Social Performance Indicators for MFIs. The workshop will be facilitated by Microfact, initiative of ADA (Luxembourg) and BRS (Belgium).

ADA and BRS share a common interest and purpose of increasing access to financial services through the provision of quality microfinance services. It recognizes the greater need to propagate, strengthen and enhance the availability of microfinance services.

The general objective of the workshop is to give MFIs a better insight in the actual financial and social situation of their own organization and their position in the market of microfinance. This peer-to-peer learning workshop will give better insights on the financial performance. Specific attention will be given to the communication about the financial performance with all stakeholders of an MFI (clients, staff, board, investors,etc).

The 3 day workshop includes:

  • Analyzing performance in microfinance – the microfinance key performance indicators in the following areas: Portfolio Quality, Efficiency and Productivity, Financial Management, Profitability and sustainability and Social Performance
  • Enhance the skills and capacity of management in interpreting ratios, analyzing financial trends, positioning themselves within the industry (benchmarks) and identifying key areas of risk to mitigate
  • Promotion of the exchange of knowledge and experience among participating MFIs
  • How to use the MFI Fact sheet tool in your day-to-day management and in your communication with the stakeholders


Training Programme on Agricultural Value chain

agricutlre valuechain poster2 copyValue chain finance is basic for the success of a specific value chain. Value chain finance is important in order for businesses to meet their market demand by maintaining, extending their activities or invest in new market alternatives. Value chain finance also contributes to the increased competitiveness of an economic sector by helping an industry expand and compete more effectively. It has a long term impact on the overall development of the country. However, there is lack of adequate financing within the agriculture chain. For this reason and to respond to the need for enhancing agricultural value chain finance, it is important to equip MFI practitioners on the skills and knowledge of value chain finance. The training resource person will be drawn from India and Ethiopia.

Venue: AEMFI/EIFTRI Training Hall.  Date: End of April (exact dates to be announced soon)


The “Making Microfinance Work: Course for Funders” is based on a former CGAP Funders’ course. It is the only microfinance course in the market tailored for donors and investors. It will give you the knowledge, tools, and network to make the right decisions. The course covers the history, trends and the fundamentals of how donors and investors can effectively fund microfinance. It also features field visits to MFIs, where you will meet with clients, management, and staff, while also getting an understanding of the broader policy and market infrastructure opportunities and challenges facing the institutions. Join the ranks of the 750 people who have already participated in this training. Past participants have included staff from all major donor and investor agencies, such as
AFD, AfDB, ADB, CIDA, DFID, EBRD, FMO, IFAD, IFC, KfW, Oikocredit, Sida, UNDP, World Bank, and staff from nongovernmental organizations. For More Details, Please check summary of the course.

Venue and dates:  Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, February 16-20, 2015

Deadline for application: 15 January 2015

Course language: English

Participants from any country of operation are invited to apply.

Tuition fees: Euro 1500   (Lunches, breaks, field trips, and materials are covered by tuition fee).  Participants are responsible for their travel and visa, hotel, and dinner costs.

To register, please click o n:

For more information, please contact:

Stefania Perniola:   +39 011 693 6318
Margarita Lalayan    +39 011 693 6530

Training to MFI officers on Marketing and Customer Service- February 16-20, 2015

The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is implementing the MicroLead programme in Ethiopia to promote financial access to the poor by building/promoting savings lead market leaders. As a part of the programme, the consortium of BASICS Ltd of India and PAMIGA of France has been providing a series of training programmes to the MFI sector as a whole through AEMFI. The thematic areas for the training are being selected by AEMFI in consultation with the MFI sector.  Most of the trainings were provided in the ToT model. The objective of the trainings was to increase the human resources capacity of MFIs.   As a part of this initiative, BASIX, is now conducting training to MFI officers on “Marketing and Customer Service”.


The main objective of this training is to ensure that a strong training package is delivered to managers to equip them with the knowledge and improve the understanding on Marketing and Customer Service.

Scope of the training

  • Training will be conducted in AEMFI office
  • Training will consist of ……….. people from MFIs belongs to marketing and operation team
  • Training will be for four days
  • Training materials to be provided by the service provider

 Desired outcomes

  • MFI officers will acquire a new skills on marketing and customer service;
  • Equipped and acquainted with the tools that support marketing;
  • Equipped and acquainted with tools for customer service.

Venue: AEMFI training Hall