Invitation for Proposal and Price quotes to facilitate an Exposure Visit

AEMFI would like to invite interested and qualified consulting/training firms to submit proposals to faciliate two exposure visits it plans to arrange for its board members.

The terms of reference for the exposure visits can be found below:

Call for Consultancy Service- TOT to Microfinance

Land Investment for Transformation Ethiopia (Lift) is currently looking for qualified consultants to conduct training  of trainers (TOT) on product development and business plan appraisal and saving mobilization to microfinance practitioners. Read more

Registration open for MFI Technical Service Providers Certification Training

It is with great pleasure that AEMFI is announcing the commencement of registration of potential technical service providers/consultants Read more

SAM- African Microfinance Week October 2017

The biggest microfinance event in the continent aims to bring together microfinance practitioners, policy makers, private and public financial service providers, to share best practices, strengthen partnerships, and extend network of contacts to promote financial inclusion in the continent.

The African Microfinance Week, named SAM– for its French acronym is to be held for the third time in the coming October at the Sheraton hotel in Addis Ababa. The event stays for the entire week starting October 9, 2017 with a variety of events including investor’s fair, innovation fair and trainings on the side. The SAM is organized by the African networks AFRACA, AMT, MAIN, AEMFI, AMFI and ADA, with the support of the Luxembourg cooperation. Register now.


AEMFI in collaboration with ADA microfinance (Luxembourg) has organized a three day workshop on  ‘Financial and Social Performance Indicators for MFIs. The workshop will be facilitated by Microfact, initiative of ADA (Luxembourg) and BRS (Belgium).

ADA and BRS share a common interest and purpose of increasing access to financial services through the provision of quality microfinance services. It recognizes the greater need to propagate, strengthen and enhance the availability of microfinance services.

The general objective of the workshop is to give MFIs a better insight in the actual financial and social situation of their own organization and their position in the market of microfinance. This peer-to-peer learning workshop will give better insights on the financial performance. Specific attention will be given to the communication about the financial performance with all stakeholders of an MFI (clients, staff, board, investors,etc).

The 3 day workshop includes:

  • Analyzing performance in microfinance – the microfinance key performance indicators in the following areas: Portfolio Quality, Efficiency and Productivity, Financial Management, Profitability and sustainability and Social Performance
  • Enhance the skills and capacity of management in interpreting ratios, analyzing financial trends, positioning themselves within the industry (benchmarks) and identifying key areas of risk to mitigate
  • Promotion of the exchange of knowledge and experience among participating MFIs
  • How to use the MFI Fact sheet tool in your day-to-day management and in your communication with the stakeholders